Mysterious Island (1961 film)

Mysterious Island UK Jules Vernes Mysterious Island is a 1961 science fiction adventure film about civil war prisoners who escape in a balloon and then find themselves stranded on a remote island thats populated by giant mutated animals. Based very loosely upon the novel The Mysterious Island Lle mystrieuse by Jules Verne, the film was produced by Charles H. Schneer and directed by Cy Endfield. Shot in Spain and at Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, England, the film serves as a showcase for Ray Harryhausens stopmotion animation effects. Like several of Harryhausens classic productions, the musical score was composed by Bernard Herrmann.

The balloon carries them westwards across the U.S., and it isnt long before they discover that they are over the Pacific Ocean. A storm arises the balloon tears open and leaks a significant amount of gas, forcing it into descending and eventually running aground near the shore of an unknown island. The following morning the men reunite and begin to explore the strange island they find themselves upon. They discover that the island has lush tropical jungles, harsh plains, and many volcanoes which frequently erupt.When they reach the other side of the island, they encounter a monstrous crab. After Neb is nearly killed, the castaways are able to push it into a boiling geyser and have crab meat for dinner. Afterwards, the men continue exploring and find a herd of wild goats which they try to catch. Then they find two unconscious English ladies, Lady Mary Fairchild Joan Greenwood and her niece Elena Beth Rogan, who were shipwecked here by the same storm. Working together, the castaways find cover and protection in a cave which they call Granite House, formerly inhabited by a now deceased castaway named Thomas Ayrton. A treasure chest later washes ashore, and in it the men find a variety of useful items, including rifles, nautical charts, and books such as Robinson Crusoe. Markings upon one of the rifles found in the chest indicate that it came from the Nautilus, upon which Spillitt gives Lady Fairchild who is unfamiliar with the tale a brief summation of the Nautilus, its creator, Captain Nemo, and its supposed destruction off the coast of Mexico some eight years earlier. Spillet expresses a sense of respect and admiration for Nemos genius and principles against war, while Harding derides him for being a madman and a murderer, condemning him for the deaths of numerous sailors during his crusade. Making use of the charts, the castaways are able to determine their location and proceed with the construction of a boat on which they can escape the island. ........

Source: Wikipedia